MunSTeR and The Tickets

The following is a very short story about a girl happy yet bek-chek moment. Enjoy. Hey! Don't give me a roll-your-eyes-look puh-lees...

The following is a very short story about a girl happy yet bek-chek moment. Enjoy.
Hey! Don't give me a roll-your-eyes-look puh-leese.

Once upon a time, there was this girl who wanted to have a chance to go to anybody somebody's concert. But unfortunately, all these concerts were only held in KL, which is far-far-away. She waited and hung on for years to fulfill her dreams.

Then one day, chance came. Her Idol-s decided to hold a concert in her country. So, this desperate hopeful girl was determined to get herself a ticket to be near with her stars by all means. (Even though it's still far-far-away...=.= )She tried everything possible. She had s... *some missing text*

Uh...I'll just cut the crap. Since you are so smart.

Yesh, that girl is Me. An ambitious-me a few years ago.

That was then.


I finally got what I wanted - ticket-s to the concert!!!

The story actually...starts here... Hehehe...
(embarrassed, embarrassed, so embarrassed)

Sorry, I guess I'm slightly drifted away. Just to clarify myself, that seldom happens you know.

Anyway, back to the story.

Before I (or rather dad b/c he's paying for them. Thanks, dad! You make my day.=) bought the tickets at this place called Red Box i.e. a karaoke pub or something, my dad asked for discount. The receptionist offered him the DotRed Card, which entitles us a 10% discount for the tickets. A total of RM30-something discount? Yes, that is a lot. So we went for it.

Then the bek-chek part came in. As you know, applying for a membership card involves a very tiring process. The receptionist brought me a few
(and that's a lot? Yeah~!) application forms to be filled in with. Well, that's okay~ I can handle this. But what really unnerved me was this>>


A Dialogue between The Receptionist and I

(The receptionist handling me the application forms... )


(MunSTeR started to fill the forms)

The Receptionist:
Wait. You must be above 12 yrs old to apply for this card. Why don't you let your father apply since you are still under-age?

MunSTeR :
Thank you for your concern But I'm 17 going 18 years-old.

The Receptionist:
Oh I see. Can you please show me your ID?

MunSTeR: Wtf!! Shit you madam~!

([Only]The above line is fiction.)

MunSTeR :

(The Receptionist checked my ID number and those bla bla bla stuff)

The Receptionist:
Thank you. Please continue.

*End of Conversation*



And at the end, I got my tickets. Exactly what I wanted. But the process is not fun. At all. It's humiliating.

Come on, who likes to be mistaken as a 12-ish teen when I'm actually ... you know? Can you imagine that?? Yes, I've a rather kiddo face. So what? Can't you see that I dressed like a non-teen? Pshhh~ And-and, I talked like A-Adult you know! (Yeah, I think so and hope so.)

Not that I really bother 'bout this. (are you sure?)

But, besides this incident, today was a fairytale. My dream came true after all.

Jeng! Jeng! Jeng! Jeng!

The Proof of what I've been through~

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