Giving Up?

I have serious sleeping problems these days. I slept nearly 5 hours a day since exam started. Ah... I know what you're thinking... But s...

I have serious sleeping problems these days. I slept nearly 5 hours a day since exam started. Ah... I know what you're thinking... But sadly, that's simply not the fact. To make it clear, I DID NOT study until late hours for revision, sorry for that. I slept after 12 midnight these past days (and also for the coming days, haha :]) alright. And I never revised. Nope. Instead, I read novels thru' the night.

For instance, I slept at 4a.m. yesterday nightmorning. Another solid proof : My dark eyebags underneath my eyes. Hah! I can be categorised with China's infamous panda family already wtf.

Well, this habit should be fine IF it's not exam period. But This is The Exam Period. And I'm doom. For not prepared for the paper tomorrow - Chemistry structure paper fyi. For blogging in this 'crucial' time when *somebody* is supposed to be doing last-minute-study.(oopsy) For knowing what is right and wrong for me but purposely doing the wrong choice like not covering the chapters in the exam syllabus when I've the time wtf!

Sh*t, now I'm scared. Ok, better STOP.
And me giving up eh?
No way. Never.
I don't give up.

*Maybe I'll reconsider this question tomorrow when I'm in front of the paper....*

 PS: GrowingGiving up won't bring us down? Nah~

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