Munsterity Life

Exactly? whoa, it's really been a looong while. *sheepish smile. i guess i'm feeling irresponsible and guilty for not posting anythi...

whoa, it's really been a looong while. *sheepish smile. i guess i'm feeling irresponsible and guilty for not posting anything. *sigh. it's just that i'm always swamped with something when i have real free time for myself. so tonight, ie 1am, i'm just going to finish my draft about everything and most things i wanna tell you. since it's Sunday tomorrow wheee! finally a Sunday which i don't have any schedule plan ever since i'm here. like f.i.n.a.l.l.y.

the 1st few days in this foreign land was miserable to me. i remember crying silently whenever i had a phone conversation with my parents. and also the crying myself to sleep part out of nothing. i remember how discomforting and scared i felt when they'd just came and they were leaving in a few days time. *sadface me. i miss them. but on O-day onwards, boom! everything is like happening so fast ever since.

So Yeah...
About the people... 

guess which one is my sexaay feet ;)

I don’t know what i've been expecting, but the reality is more surprising than anything else. people are all ready to make friends in university. literally nice. they'll just randomly come over to talk to you and ask for your name and number although you've only saw him or her in the campus once. once! and it was just a brief glance you know. and all of a sudden you're knowing everybody from all over the world. and it's just foundation and degree students at the moment.

and it's like you're meeting new people everyday.

About the food...

 some home cooked food we made together, so proud!

How can a Penangnite not talk about food. heh. i've become so food conscious since i've been here. it's like you're from Penang and how can you not know about food. but that's not really the point. i'm supposed to tell you how the local food rocks and everything so that you won't worry about me. but sorry, the food sucks. trust me. still, there's always something. i'll recommend butter chicken rice and pan mee which are soooo tasty that i know i'll miss them when i'm away. Do not eat tomyam noodle or laksa. trust me. it'll only make you miss Penang more.

About the greenery...
Everything is plain green here. it's like no matter where you turn to there's always the lake or the insects or the bird song or the old fashion building waiting for you silently. and i actually like this kinda environment. so photogenic. anyway, i finally get to roll on the green grass like for real. it's like a dream come true. the campus grounds are unbelievably green and seemed to stretch on forever. ever since i was here, i keep wishing i could go rolling on the grassy fields. like finally. *little dance.
and did i mention anything about crocs? *gulp.

but one down side of this close-to-nature-feel is you're actually feeding mosquitoes most of the time. the mosquitoes here are dang active, they'll wait for you in the shower room and give you surprise attack oh man. And i haven't even start talking about the red ANTS on my table cause i get pissed off whenever i talk about them. ok, i'm already start fuming up over them right now. These ants, they're intolerable!! imagine you keep your chocs in a microwave tupperware and wrap it up with a sealable plastic bag which people uses in plane. they'll just bit a hole on the bag and squeeze into the tupperware through the opening cracks. so you block their hole using a cellophane tape, then? they'll just make another hole. it's practically never ending. FINE. imagine you have a wet rose scent soap in your cupboard. the ants will just infest on them. FUU. imagine, you have your laptop in your drawers, clean and away from their nest or trail or something. they'll just go INTO your speaker and start playing hide and seek with me. and they even nearly murdered my lappie 2 weeks ago but luckily my lappie is strong enough to go thro this hard time. WTFUUUUUUUUUUUUU. i can't believe i write so much about you ants :(

a list i wrote before leaving Penang after summarizing everything from the internet. Not true.
you can always zoom in to check it out.

Pretty Amazing!
About the discoveries i made...
Over the course of a month, there's a few thing that i discovered:
  1. Everyone here is good-looking. Ok, i mean most of them. Everybody just seem so mature and perfectly dressed up. I didn’t see a single misfit or beastly kid so far. Maybe they just locked them up and didn’t let them out again until graduation. Blehh. it's like a fashion masquerade every day and i guess i appreciate it. i guess. *shrug.
  2. Getting into a university gym is nothing. Cuz my friends are like dragging me along most of the time, and i finally did some real hardcore exercise after a year. And the other attracting part of the gym is there will be *people* taking off their clothes and doing the weighing stuff ;) so yeah don't be surprise if i've slim down a few kg when i'm back. seriously.
  3. Gosshh everybody is so dang friendly and nice. i was soo anxious about fitting in before coming here and looking back now i look so silly for worrying about such small matter. i mean, there's always decent people around right? and i'm just plain lucky to have met them all and more in the future i hope :) 
  4. University life is about dieting and starving yourself. How i wish i can bite on something fat and oily and unhealthy and naiiseeee. of course Miri has (a few of, sorry) them, but, i just happened to adopt a new habit of reading on every nutrition information that comes with the package before consuming it. conclusion? i started starving myself by skipping lunch to follow a strict diet. Gosh i actually sound like a sick girl. anyway. let's just call that peer influence slash excuse for being lazy to move your arseee to the kitchen. Truth? Dieting life sucks.
  5. I think i'm consider quite active and busy temporarily. i mean, you practically can see me everywhere; from Curtin Volunteers to church thingy(ok, just some) to Leo Club to workshop and talks to every weekends outing to old folks home visitation to endless partayy to fund raising dance to open day and to everything that comes at the same time. Talk about distractions and focusing in a jungle. It's not even a jungle. Who said Miri is a jungle anyway? 
  6. My classmates and friends here are mostly 93ish people. though nobody is paying attention to the age gap, i actually do. i feel so old... oh well, at least i'm a fast track student who looks smart but is exactly the opposite so i don't really have to feel so conscious about my age all the time. Gahh. fyi i'm actually the youngest when i'm in Dell you know. Gahhhhh. *palm on face.
ok lah, i did manage to grab some oily food once in awhile, proof. 

and the wind here are strong! look at the tree. it's not my hand is senget or something.

    That's it for me...

    I'm doing good people. take care on the other side too ok? and i hope you all are missing me more after reading this. haha.

    Reading: Epic Fail by Claire Lazebnik
    Thinking: I can't sleep and it's already 4am. :'(
    *i do miss you everybody*

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