

Great. I'm a total failure. And disappointment. And a loser. Not that i'm surprised. Go figures. I sat for my Cambridge Advance S...

Great. I'm a total failure. And disappointment. And a loser.
Not that i'm surprised. Go figures.

I sat for my Cambridge Advance Subsidiary aka AS Level this May/June. The results are finally out. Today.

That's what i can tell myself at 1st glance on my results. Here, let me show you *cringe*
So, what do ya think? To be honest, i actually don't believe it and i kept on refreshing the page. Ha.ha.ha. Not funny i know i know. Of course, it remains the same wth.
Great huh? The anticipation was already killing me to pieces( since i waited about 2 months for the results to be out), and now this. You have no idea what it feels like...On 2nd thought, maybe you do.


'Cause i think i'm gonna resit my AS. Cause i was already expecting this when sitting for the exam. Come on, is that my best shot? From what i can recalled, it's more like a last minute effort. I think. But believe me, the effort i put in was still humongous although it's only a short period of time.

That's why i'm disappointed on myself. For one, I shouldn't spent sooo much time on the computer. Like now. And for two... well, i guess i'm not focus enough. There's simply too many distractions. From now on, I really need to focus. Maybe i should start planing a timetable? Hmm, maybe.

Traditionally, we Asian tends to compare. Okay, perhaps minority of us. 
People come asking about my results. Figures.
And they just don't believe what they get.
People only see what they want to see. Epic.

Well, I'm surrounded by smart people. And i'm simply not.
This is my 1st thought when we are exchanging our results.
Wtf, now i sound like a very jealous kid with a very low self-esteem.
No scratch that. Not my usual self.

Anyway, there's still some hope in me to not retake the exam so i googled about what i should do with 3 Cs.
And i found this:
Originally Posted by Molly
Click the image to read.

And this...
Originally Posted by Bikkel
Click the image to read.

"Very clever kids got C grades...
well above average bright type hard workers 
got D/E grades 
and clever kids got fails." 
I actually find it very genius-related and encouraging hahaha....So that makes me under the clever category? This really comforts and cheer me up:-)

But too bad, i just don't lie to myself. I need to face the fact and start brushing up.
And oh, I'm sorry dad, for all the money you've 'just' wasted on me...i'm a poor investment huh.
I'm not gonna say: "I'll do well next time ok? I give you my word." 
I'll show you.

ps - to the author of the passage i'd cut, sorry in advance for not asking permission 1st.

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